Inflation – It is Not Good!

Close up of a man putting the gas nozzle into the gas tank of his white car

Folks, we have not seen this type of inflation in a generation.  So, while we’ve talked about inflation here before, this week I want to use our time together to take a deeper look at just what is driving inflation.

Inflation . . . It’s A Tax!

Speedometer that is at the highest point with the word inflation beflow it

Inflation is often called the “silent killer” of retirement plans due to its ability to sneak up on us slowly, eroding the purchasing power of our dollars over time.

Don’t Let Your Fears Distract You from Your Best Retirement

stressed person

As today’s markets fluctuate coupled with all the uncertainty within our governmental systems, Americans seem to be feeling more fearful about the health of their investments. Here are few tips that may help those who struggle with financial paralysis.

Understand Inflation . . . Before It’s Too Late


Inflation, and it’s probable effects on our purchasing power in retirement, is a major retirement obstacle for many. While we’ve been in a historically low inflation environment for years, that’s changing quickly, and not for the better.