Inflation – It is Not Good!
Folks, we have not seen this type of inflation in a generation. So, while we’ve talked about inflation here before, this week I want to use our time together to take a deeper look at just what is driving inflation.
Inflation . . . It’s A Tax!
Inflation is often called the “silent killer” of retirement plans due to its ability to sneak up on us slowly, eroding the purchasing power of our dollars over time.
Retirees Are Spending More Money Than They Used To
We’re seeing some alarming trends regarding retiree spending these days and this has the potential to derail your ability to sustain your retirement lifestyle.
High Inflation Hits Retirees Hard
Inflation can be a retirement killer, but it doesn’t have to be for seniors who take the time to develop a plan for beating it.
Social Security’s Big COLA Increase . . . Bahhh Humbug!
While a 5.9% increase sounds pretty impressive, you need to understand the “fine print” – that is, that the conditions that caused this increase are actually a source of some bad news.
Don’t Let Your Fears Distract You from Your Best Retirement
As today’s markets fluctuate coupled with all the uncertainty within our governmental systems, Americans seem to be feeling more fearful about the health of their investments. Here are few tips that may help those who struggle with financial paralysis.
Understand Inflation . . . Before It’s Too Late
Inflation, and it’s probable effects on our purchasing power in retirement, is a major retirement obstacle for many. While we’ve been in a historically low inflation environment for years, that’s changing quickly, and not for the better.
Don’t Let These 4 Risks Derail Your Retirement Journey
Risks that crop up in your later working years or early retirement could have life-changing effects on you. This week I dig deeper on these risks, as well as possible solutions.
Inflation Amplifies the Concerns of Seniors Hampered by Tiny Social Security COLA
The concept of a dollar being worth less tomorrow than it is today is a scary thought, but a hard reality. So, this week we are digging a little deeper into inflation and specifically how it affects those in retirement.