Avoiding The Retirement Crisis
Social Security is a cornerstone of many retirees’ planned income stream, but it’s only one part of a sound retirement system.
It’s all a Numbers Game
How confident are you that you’ll reach the number you need for a comfortable retirement?
The Ever-Changing Economic World
More Americans than ever are saving during these uncertain times. Make sure your savings work for you in retirement with a sound investment plan.
Be Frugal . . . But Never Cheap!
Discount online brokerages and easy to use apps don’t replace the value presented by a trusted financial advisor – someone to look out for your needs.
The Corona Pandemic: Emerging From the Crisis
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Whether you attribute those words of wisdom to Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” or further back in time to Saint Francis of Assisi, they are probably as profound as they’ve ever been as the world faces the calamity of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this troubling […]
How Do You Achieve Financial Security . . . Slow and Steady
As most Cutter Family Finance followers know, I like to read. So, while on vacation last week, I was reading over some statistics that really gave me pause. Get this, only 28% of Americans – about 70 million people – are “financially healthy,” spending and saving responsibly, according to the Center for Financial Services Innovation […]
Pay Down Debt, Save, or Invest?
As a father of 3 beautiful girls, Maeve, Phoebe, and Sophie, I understand that my job doesn’t end when they turn eighteen. It was easy to see how much they needed me when they were young. But, as they grow up and become more self-sufficient, my job as a parent takes on new meaning. Sure, […]
How To Make A Financial Whiz Kid
My daughter, Phoebe, and I had to run into The Dollar Store the other day to get some stuff for her upcoming school project. While we were walking through the aisles searching for what she needed, we came across a young boy, probably only seven or eight years old. The kid was having a meltdown […]
Teaching Your Kids About Financial Literacy
It’s never too early to teach your kids how to manage money and finances. Reinforce skills that will help them succeed throughout their lives.