Infrastructure and The Roth IRA
The prospect of higher tax rates in the years to come can make the Roth IRA an attractive option for investors.
It’s all a Numbers Game
How confident are you that you’ll reach the number you need for a comfortable retirement?
The Growing American Retirement Crisis
Retirement used to be something to dream about. But these days it can be bewildering and scary. Plan for a secure and happy retirement with a sound financial system.
How Much to Invest for Retirement – or Christmas
I love Christmas, I really do. The signs of Christmas seem to be popping up all over the place. The commercials on every channel, twenty-four hour Hallmark movies, the Christmas displays downtown, the crisp in the air . . . and the release of the Christmas Club funds. Friends of ours, Jim and Becky, reminded […]
Do You Have a Retirement Blind Spot?
I’ve mentioned here before about the new drivers in our house, Sophie and Phoebe. I won’t lie to you that I have to get mentally prepared before hopping into that passenger’s seat with my new drivers; and may even double up on the blood pressure medicine to boot. Seriously, it’s a great feeling to see […]