The Roth IRA Conversion: Is It the Right Move for You?
Roth IRA conversions seems to be appropriate for many investors right now. Make sure you understand the ramifications before going ahead.
2020 Elections and Our Future: Who Wins?
The other day I met a old college buddy of mine, Gerry, for lunch and to catch up on each other’s lives. Gerry’s a good family guy, married with 3 teenagers with one in college. He and I can certainly relate to each other these days. Gerry has always been a roast beef sandwich guy […]
The Prescription Drug Dilemma . . . It’s a Problem!
Yesterday I swung into the CVS that is down the street from my office to get a prescription filled. Of course, I had forgotten to call ahead, so I dropped off my script and sat down to wait for a few minutes while it was being filled by the pharmacist. An older gentleman, I guessed […]
Medicare For All – What’s the Cost for The Middle Class?
With the Holiday season winding down in the Cutter household, I’ve been reflecting a lot on this past year, and looking forward to what’s to come in 2020. Maeve has been home from college for Christmas so we’ve had a lot of time to catch up, and she’s given me some new ideas to ponder […]
Retirement and the Role of Generic Toilet Paper
With Maeve home from college last weekend, the girls’ thoughts turned to the approach of Halloween. With just a few weeks left, costumes for Halloween were top priority. Sure, they may not trick-or-treat any longer but what teenager can resist a good costume party? So once they’d landed on their disguise of choice, it was […]
Do You Have a Retirement Blind Spot?
I’ve mentioned here before about the new drivers in our house, Sophie and Phoebe. I won’t lie to you that I have to get mentally prepared before hopping into that passenger’s seat with my new drivers; and may even double up on the blood pressure medicine to boot. Seriously, it’s a great feeling to see […]
Don’t Count on Retiring When You Expect
You know the saying “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life”? For many people, that’s such a true statement that they work almost up until the day they die. I have a friend like that, let’s call her Maggie. I have known Maggie for over 20 years. She is […]
Don’t Run Out of Money in Retirement
Last week the Cutters spent the weekend in Dighton to watch Phoebe’s softball tournament. It was a beautiful weekend, and Phoebe brought her best “stuff.” She pitched one heck of a Game One with 11 strikeouts, 2 walks and one unearned run for a win 11-1 against Somerset’s travel team. Game two was a different […]