Oh, For the Love of Money
Everyone has beliefs and habits surrounding money, and when yours don’t align with your partners it can create real problems. So this week, let’s discuss how couples with differing “money personalities” can co-exist with less conflict.
You’ve Met Your Retirement Goals – Now What?
Everyone’s retirement will look a bit different, so in this post we consider what happens when all of your planning has worked and the time to retire is here.
Getting Financially Back on Track After the Pandemic
As you’ve heard me say many times, having a complete retirement system with downside risk mitigation strategies is crucial to set yourself up for the best chance of financial success in retirement.
Social Security & Medicare Are in Trouble . . . And the Solutions Might Hurt
Our country is facing some critical challenges to keeping Social Security and Medicare solvent. In this week’s article, I’ll outline some solutions being tossed around and what their potential consequences could be to you.
Biden’s Proposal to Tax the Rich
This week I dig into some of the key points of the Biden tax proposal to help you better understand if – or how – you might be affected.